Student Art League » Student Art League

Student Art League

Student Art League 
The Student Art League generally meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays from 11:00-11:28 and one Friday afternoon a month until 4:30. 

Get a copy of the club schedule from Mrs. Holder

Requirements for Art League Membership 
-Must have a timely ride home for all afternoon meetings. 
Demonstrate respect for other club members and leaders and school appropriate behavior during meetings/trips
-Participate in art-making and activities during meetings to receive points 
-Sign in at all meetings for participation points that go towards holiday party and field trip invites
-To receive a senior graduation cord: Must pass 2 art courses and graduate with 2 years as an active, participating member of Art League

Art League Photos 


Share and see Student Art League photos on our Google album with the links:


Need Reminders ?

Sign up to receive reminders on Remind101.
Just send a text to the phone number 81010 with the remind code: @artleagu 


Club Mission Statement
Art League is devoted to providing an enriching environment for creative people to express their individuality and ideas. Art League strives to be a positive influence in the community by encouraging inclusiveness, acceptance, and collaboration with all varieties of people and beliefs. As a club we support the arts and believe in creating art for the joy and fun of it without criticism or judgement.