Community High School
Dr. Robert Ralston, Principal
Dr. Luke Bowling, Vice Principal
100 Community Crossing
Unionville, TN 37180
931-685-1418 Office
931-294-2107 Fax
“The Best School………Period!”
Community High School has a proud tradition dating back to 1925, and with your help, we will work to make your high school years special.
Updates to this student handbook may be made periodically and will appear on the school website along with other school policies.
Mission Statement
Community High School will endeavor to create a healthy learning environment where students develop their intellectual, artistic, and physical talents through faculty, student, family, and community collaboration to better become lifelong leaders and responsible citizens.
Our Belief
We believe in:
Promoting a high performing learning culture which includes all students and stakeholders.
The use of data-driven decision-making processes.
Promoting the use of shared decision-making processes.
Meeting the individual needs of students by striving for a quality education for all students.
Achieving proficiency and beyond for all students
Absences and Attendance
Attendance is a key factor in student achievement. All students are expected to be present each day school is in session. Regular attendance is essential to a student’s success in school. Chronic absenteeism creates a genuine hardship for a student and is regarded as a very serious problem. Absences are classified as excused, accounted, or unexcused. Seven (7) absences will be accepted as excused by parental note/communication during a school year. In order for a parental note to excuse an absence the note must be submitted to the school office within 7 school days of the absence. Excused absences include:
1. Personal illness documented by a licensed physician.
2. Religious observances with documentation.
3. Circumstances which create emergencies beyond the control of the student at the discretion of the principal.
4. A required court appearance with documentation.
Accounted absences include:
1. Personal or illness of immediate family member.
2. Death in the family with documentation.
3. Extreme weather conditions.
4. Absences initiated and known by parent.
An excused absence permits the student to make up work, at the teacher’s discretion, within five (5) days of returning to school (not 5 days upon the presentation of an excused note). An unexcused absence denies a student the privilege of credit on these assignments. It is the student’s responsibility to get any missed assignments from their teachers and to plan for any make-up tests and quizzes. Absentee notes are to be turned into the office for documentation for all absences, check-ins and check-outs. Additional Bedford County Board attendance policies may be referenced at the central office.
Students who are chronically absent or truant are subject to progressive school discipline, school level discipline may include, but is not limited to that which is described below:
5 absences- Meeting with CHS Dean of Students.
5 unexcused absences- Meeting with CHS Dean of Students, loss of personal communication device privileges for one (1) school day.
10 unexcused absences- Meeting with CHS Dean of Students, loss of personal communication device for five (5) consecutive school days, loss of extra curricular privileges including participation in extra-curricular sports and activities such as prom and graduation ceremonies.
Furthermore, students from outside the Community bus zones who are classified as truant (5 or more unexcused absences), are chronically absent (absent 10% or more for any reason), experience failing grades, or have behavior issues may be reassigned to the Bedford County high school which provides bus services from the student’s residence.
Arrival and Dismissal
Students are allowed to enter the building at 7:15. All students arriving before 7:45 are to report to the cafeteria and be seated. Breakfast will be served in the cafeteria or brought to first period classrooms by the cafeteria staff. Upon arrival, students are to immediately enter the building and may not leave the building or the campus without check-out permission of a parent and the administration. Classes being at 8:00. Students are dismissed at 3:00. Staffed campus hours are from 7:15 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.
Students who arrive after 8:00 AM are to park in the front parking lot and report to the office to be checked in to school.
Driver’s License Law
In accordance with Tennessee Law, the Department of Safety will deny a license or permit to any person under the age of 18 who does not present a diploma or certificate of graduation, or documentation that the person is enrolled in school, a GED program, excused because of circumstances beyond his control, or is meeting educational requirements of the Bedford County Board of Education.
Students applying for a driver’s license or permit must be issued an Enrollment Certificate from the school office. One day advance notice is required.
The school is required to notify the Department of Safety when a student withdraws from school or has more than 10 consecutive or 15 total unexcused absences during a semester.
Students must maintain state attendance requirements in the preceding semester to obtain and maintain a driver’s license. Students whose licenses are revoked must meet state attendance and academic requirements at the end of the next semester to have their license reinstated. TCA 49-6-3017.
Emergency Drills
Fire, tornado, bomb, earthquake, and intruder drills are conducted at regularly scheduled intervals. Detailed safety plans are posted inside each classroom. Safety presentations are made to the staff and student body at the beginning of each school year with reinforcements made throughout the year.
Emergency Information
In case of emergency, each student is required to have an updated/current school database:
· Parent or guardian name and up-to-date address
· Home phone, parent daytime phone, emergency phone (friend or relative)
· Physician name and phone and medical alert information
The school charges a variety of fees for different services and materials. Some of these fees are for optional activities and some are required of all students. Fees should be paid promptly. If a student or their family has a financial problem, which affects the payment of school fees, the situation should be brought to the attention of the administration where suitable arrangements can be made. Students meeting federal free/reduced lunch guidelines are eligible to have fees waived according to Tennessee state law. Application for fee waiver must be made at the beginning of the school year.
Students are required to have permission to be in the hallways during class time. No open food or drinks are allowed in the hallways. No electronic audio devices which imped hearing and safety are allowed in the hallways. Caps, hats, and hoods are not allowed to be worn in the hallways or otherwise inside the building. Loud mischief and horseplay are prohibited in the hallways.
Leaving Campus (Checkout)
If a students normal procedures for leaving campus must change i.e. riding a different bus, etc. a note from a parent or guardian must be submitted to the office by 8 AM.
Per Bedford County Board of Education Policy 6.208 "No student will leave school prior to regular dismissal hours, except with the approval of the principal and parent." Only parents (or legal guardians) may authorize a student to leave school during the school day. If a parent wishes to check out their student during the school day they must report to the front desk, and follow the school procedure including presenting a photo ID. If there is a question of legal custody, the school reserves the right to require proof of custody before releasing a student.
If a parent is not personally present to check a student out from school a note from a parent or guardian will be required to checkout. Checkout notes must be submitted to the office BY 8:00 AM the day of checkout. Text messages from a parent to a cellular device DO NOT qualify as a checkout note. The note must contain the following: · Student name and date.
· Reason for checkout and time.
· Parent/guardian signature.
· Daytime phone number of parent/guardian.
Phone check outs will only be allowed in case of emergency, the parent or guardian must speak with a school administrator or school official before the student will be released from campus.
Students checking out early are required to report to the office and sign out on the check-out log. Permanent checkouts are available with written parental and administrative permission (permanent checkout forms are available on the school website or from the office). Permanent checkout is a privilege awarded to students under special circumstances. Administration reserves the right to revoke permanent check out if a student violates school rules, policies, or codes of conduct. Students are not permitted to checkout for lunch. Students who are tardy to school may not be allowed to check out early for that day.
Questioning by School Personnel
Students may be questioned by teachers or principals about any matter pertaining to the operation of a school and/or the enforcement of its rules. Questioning shall be conducted discreetly and under circumstances which will avoid unnecessary embarrassment to the student. Any student answering falsely, evasively or refusing to answer a question may be subject to disciplinary action, including suspension. If a student is suspected or accused of misconduct or infraction of the student code of conduct, the principal may interrogate the student, without the presence of parent(s)/guardian(s)
Police-Initiated Questioning If the police deem circumstances of sufficient urgency to question students at school for unrelated crimes committed outside of school hours, the police department shall first contact the principal regarding the planned questioning, inform him/her of the probable cause to investigate. The principal shall make reasonable effort to notify the parent(s)/guardian(s) of the questioning unless circumstances require otherwise. The questioning may proceed without attendance of the parent(s)/guardian(s) but, the principal or his/her designee shall be present during the questioning.
A locker is issued to each student based upon availability. Students are to use only the locker assigned to them. Students are expected to keep their lockers clean and not abuse them in any way. The school is not responsible for valuables left in lockers. Students may obtain a school combination lock from the office. Students who wish to use their own keyed lock should supply the office with a spare key as the lock is subject to being cut off and destroyed in the event of a search. Students are responsible for any and all items in their locker. The sharing of your locker is highly discouraged.
Lockers are school property and are subject to search at any time as authorized by the principal. All lockers or other storage areas provided for student use on school premises remain the property of the school system and are provided for the use of students subject to inspection, access for maintenance and search.
Lockers are subject to random inspection by school staff and police officers authorized by principal at any time, with or without the presence of the student to whom the locker is assigned and without advance notice. A student using a locker that is the property of the school system does not have a right of privacy in that locker or its contents.
Upon suspicion brought to the attention of the principal of containing items not permitted, lockers are subject to individual visual, canine, and/or electronic inspection by school staff and police officers authorized by the principal at any time, with or without the presence of the student and without advance notice.
If a medication is brought to school, the following requirements must be met:
Prescription medication:
1. A parent/guardian authorization form must be completed and on file in the office.
2. Clearly identified as to name and type of medication and in original container.
3. Must carry a prescription label with student name, drug identity, dosage, doctor, and prescription date.
4. Must be left in school office.
Non-prescription medication:
1. Must be in original container (aspirin bottle, cough medicine bottle, etc.)
2. Must be clearly identified as to the name and type of medication and dosage.
3. Must be left in school office.
The school nurse may impose additional requirements.
School day pictures will be made in the fall and the spring. Pictures may also be made at events or other occasions such as Christmas, Homecoming, dances, graduation, etc.
Returned Checks
There will be a $10.00 service charge for any returned checks.
Lockers, backpacks, purses, bags, notebooks, vehicles, and other possessions are subject to search at the discretion of the principal. Students may be subject to physical search because of the results of a locker search, or because of information received from a teacher, staff member, student, or other person if such action is reasonable to the principal. Searches may include the use of metal detectors and electronic or mechanical devices. School staff and School Resource Officers (SROs) may assist the requesting principal with searches. The involvement of law enforcement officials shall occur when there is reasonable cause to suspect that criminal evidence is about to be uncovered. (Reference T.C.A 49-6-4205 and Bedford County Board of Education Policy 6.303)
If a school official or a law enforcement officer has reasonable suspicion to believe that a particular student is in possession of an illegal or unauthorized metal-containing object or weapon, s/he may conduct a metal detector check of the student’s person and personal effects. A student’s failure to permit a metal detector check as provided in this policy will be considered grounds for disciplinary action including possible suspension. (Reference Bedford County Board of Education Policy 6.303)
Any principal, having reasonable suspicion may search any student, place or thing on school property or in the actual or constructive possession of any student during any organized school activity off campus, including buses, vehicles of students or visitors and containers or packages if he/she receives information which would cause a reasonable belief that the search will lead to the discovery of: Evidence of any violation of the law; Evidence of any violation of school rules or regulations or proper standards of student or faculty conduct; Any object or substance which, because of its presence, presents an immediate danger of harm or illness to any person.
Service Animals
Pets/animals are not allowed in school facilities or on campus unless with administrative permission for educational/ceremonial purposes. In accordance with the provision of the Americans with Disabilities Act, trained service animals are permitted for use by individuals with disabilities in accordance with Bedford County Board of Education Policy 3.218.
Dogs or other animals trained to detect drugs or dangerous weapons may be used in conducting searches, but the animals shall be used only to pinpoint areas which need to be searched and shall not be used to search the persons of students or visitors in accordance with Bedford County Board of Education Policy 6.303.
Student Driving, Parking, Vehicle Displays, Flag Policy
Students who drive on campus must be licensed drivers of vehicles maintained in a decent and safe condition. Students will be allowed to use the school parking lot as long as space is available. Students are to park only in the designated student parking areas on campus. Students are not to drive, nor park, large commercial vehicles or trailers without specific administrative permission. Students are to park only in a designated student parking space and are not to park blocking drives or on grassy areas. STUDENTS WHO DRIVE IN AN UNSAFE MANNER WILL BE RESTRICTED FROM PARKING ON CAMPUS. A 20 MPH SPEED LIMIT IS TO BE OBSERVED AT ALL TIMES. Students are to leave their vehicles upon arriving and are not to loiter in the parking lot before or after school. Any student operating a motorcycle on campus must comply with all standard motor vehicle rules and be a licensed driver. Motorcycles are not to leave the paved area or parking lots to cross curbs, sidewalks, or yard areas. The school is not responsible for damages that occur due to a vehicle on its premises. Accidents/damage should be promptly reported to law enforcement. Only official U.S. flags, in compliance with U.S. Flag Code, and official Tennessee state flags, in compliance with Tennessee State Flag Code, of a size which do not inhibit safety or cause disruption may be flown from vehicles or otherwise displayed on campus. Vehicles shall not display words or images that are profane, inciteful, or otherwise unsuitable in the school environment. Vehicles are not to leave deposits of dirt, mud, fasteners, tires/rubber, parts, or other debris in the parking lot. All vehicles parked on campus are subject to search for weapons, illegal drugs, and contraband. Searches may be conducted by canine and damage can occur to personal properties. The school is not responsible for such damages. Violations of this student driving policy will result in disciplinary actions which may include denial of driving on campus, having a vehicle on campus, parking privileges, and removal of vehicle by towing at the owner’s expense.
The office/school telephones are for school business and are not to be used by students without justifiable reason. In the event of an emergency, the office staff may make calls on the behalf of the student. Students may use the office phone only with permission of school officials. Students will not be allowed to use the phone to make personal arrangements (such as work schedules, team practices, appointments, forgotten assignments, etc.) Messages to students will only be delivered in an emergency. Arrangements for rides home should be made prior to coming to school.
Personal Communication Devices- Pursuant with Bedford County Board of Education Policy 6.312 Students may possess personal communication devices and personal electronic devices so long as such devices are turned off and stored in backpacks, purses, or personal carry-alls. Such devices include, but are not limited to: cell phones, wearable technology such as eyeglasses, rings, or watches that have the capability to record, live stream, or interact with wireless technology; laptops, tablets; and audio players/recorders. However, a teacher may grant permission for the use of these devices to assist with instruction in his/her classroom, and teachers are encouraged to integrate the devices into their course work. The principal or his/her designee may also grant a student permission to use such a device at his/her discretion. Students may not use devices to photograph or video others without their consent.
Devices may be searched without student or parental consent upon reasonable suspicion of wrongdoing.
A student in violation of this policy is subject to disciplinary action. Students must comply with internet usage guidelines as set forth in Policy 4.406.
Students must comply with a teacher’s request to store or turn off a device. Unauthorized use or improper storage of a device will result in confiscation until such time as it shall be released to the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s). Repeat offenses could result in suspension from school.
Student phones may be subject to confiscation for repeated violation of school rules, policies, or codes of conduct.
Any action deemed in violation of Policy 6.304 (Student Discrimination, Harassment, Bullying, Cyberbullying, Intimidation) will be dealt with as prescribed in policy.
Possession of a cellular telephone under the circumstances set forth in this policy is a privilege which may be forfeited by a student who fails to abide by the terms of this policy.
The Bedford County Board of Education, its schools, and employees assume no responsibility or liability for the loss or damage to any student’s personal communication device, or for the unauthorized use of a student’s personal communication device. Student and parent property right claims are best preserved by keeping such devices at home. Administrators may assign additional sanctions as deemed appropriate.
Student Technology Acceptable Use Policy - Students will use technology, including internet access, in an appropriate, responsible, and ethical manner. Personal technology devices must follow the guidelines of the Board of Education's Student Personal Device Acceptable Use Policy. The following actions are not permitted while using the school network, technology equipment, or internet access:
- Send, display, or download offensive communication or media.
- Use obscene language.
- Harass, insult, attack, or defame others.
- Intentionally damage school technology equipment or network infrastructure.
- Attempt to enter network areas not related to specific classrooms.
- Violate copyright laws.
- Use other users' passwords or identifiers without authorization.
- Trespass in other users' files, folders, or work.
- Intentionally misuse resources.
- Install or download software.
- Illegally duplicate software, music, or video media.
- Attempt to bypass system protection including the creation or use of proxy servers or websites.
- Utilize the network for commercial use.
- Reveal personal addresses or phone numbers.
- Intentionally introduce a virus to technology equipment or network.
- Access personal email for non-educational purposes.
- Access and use social networking or media for non-educational purposes.
- Perform any action which violates existing board policy or public law.
- Attach a personal technology device to the Bedford County Schools' network without authorization by the BOE Technology Department.
Any violation of this student technology acceptable use policy and any additional school or classroom guidelines may result in disciplinary action.
Community High School cannot be responsible for valuables that students bring to school. It is highly recommended that students leave all valuables and large sums of money at home.
Because of the possibility of school and classroom disturbances, students are not allowed to have visitors during the school day. Exceptions to this policy must be cleared in advance through the principal’s office. Any parent or other visitors must report to the office upon entering the school. Students are not permitted to bring their children to school. All visitors must be visibly identified by a staff member either in person or by camera before being allowed entrance. Upon entrance to the school visitors must present photo ID. Identification will be used to perform a check using appropriate district provided technology to determine an individuals fitness for admission to the campus. Upon clearance visitors will be given a visitors bade that must be worn at all times while on campus. Individuals without appropriate prior clearance are subject to trespassing charges.
All visitors of Community High School must abide by the Visitor Code of Conduct as set forth by Bedford County Schools.
Consequences for Violating the Code of Conduct
Principals or their designees and school security have the authority to enforce the Code of Conduct for Families, Volunteers and Visitors, as well as all district policies and procedures, and are authorized to determine the appropriate offense level outlined below. Depending upon the severity of the incident, parents/guardians or visitors may be ejected from, or otherwise banned from campus and participation in school-sponsored activities. In situations involving lesser infractions or where remediation is viable, a verbal warning will be provided. Should a parent/guardian or visitor fail to heed the direction issued in the verbal warning, a ban or other restrictions designed to deter the conduct will follow. No restriction, however, will prevent the parent/guardian from working collaboratively with the school to meet the child’s educational needs, nor will a parent/guardian be excluded from meetings regarding their child’s education and performance.
Level 1
Offense Level 1 offenses are those that do not jeopardize the safety or welfare of students or staff. Consequences are geared to deter and correct behaviors. Failure to act accordingly will result in the escalation to a Level 2 offense and consequence.
Consequences: 1. First Infraction: Verbal Warning 2. Second Infraction: Administrator/Parent Training Session 3. Third Infraction: Formal mediation
Level 2 Offense A parent/guardian or visitor in violation of any portion of this code that jeopardizes the academic environment and/or safety and welfare of students and staff is subject to being banned from school property for a specified period of time and will be subject to the district’s actualization of its right to pursue a civil or criminal legal action. Repeated Level 1 offenses may also qualify as a Level 2 offense.
Consequence: Issuance of a formal “No Trespass Letter” from premises – this formal notice can be instituted for a quarter, semester or year at the discretion of the school system. When an individual commits a Level 1 offense (second infraction), the principal will notify the Director of Schools, or a designated representative (including the school resource officer) who will facilitate appropriate training. A period of not less than 30 days will be provided to complete training. Failure to complete training requirements will result in escalation to a Level 2 offense. At the termination of a formal ban and “No Trespass Letter” from school premises, a meeting with the principal is required and completion of an identified
Students withdrawing from school during the school term for any reason must withdraw properly with a withdrawal form which may be obtained from the guidance office. All fees must be paid, and library books and textbooks returned. All obligations must be met before student records will be released.
Accelerated/Honors and College/Dual Enrollment Classes
To be eligible for an honors class, students must have prior teacher’s recommendation. Students in an honors class must meet the teacher’s expectations in regard to academics and behavior or face removal from the class. Students will receive three bonus points on each grading period (mid-term and final exams are included). Students may earn up to 103 points each grading period. For dual enrollment college classes, students must meet the eligibility requirements of the providing college. Students will receive four bonus points for their high school grade and may earn up to 104 total points.
Academic Cheating
Academic cheating is a serious compromise of a student’s integrity and will not be tolerated. If cheating is discovered, a zero will be given on the test or assignment. A second offense may result in suspension. If a student is found to have cheated on a state sponsored or required examination discipline may rise to the level of suspension on the first offense.
Class Changes
Students will register for class prior to the school year before classes begin. Schedules will not be changed without prior approval from the guidance counselor and principal.
Class Ranking
Class Ranking All grades earned in 9, 10, 11, and the first semester of grade 12 (and 8th grade Algebra if credit is earned) will be counted toward numerical average and rank in class. Semester grades are averaged to the nearest one-thousandth point on a 103-point scale to determine class rank. To become Valedictorian, Salutatorian, or receive Top Ten recognition, a student must be enrolled in Community High at least four of the seven semesters preceding the final semester AND a minimum of 12 classes of the student’s cumulative academic credits must consist of Honors courses.
Parent-teacher conferences occur periodically. These conference times are very valuable to the overall education program. Some parents may be hesitant about participating in conferences, but our teachers can do a much better job with students if they can share their understanding of the student directly with the parent. It is not necessary to wait for the regular conference time if a parent has a concern. Parent conferences are encouraged and can be arranged at any time during the school year. Conferences during school hours should be scheduled within the teacher's planning time when they are not responsible for other students. Teachers will not be called out of class to meet with parents during a school day. Parents and teachers are encouraged to utilize electronic correspondence to maximize convenience. Staff members may be emailed directly from the school staff directory of the school website.
Exam Policy
Semester and final exams are required in all high school. Exams count 15% of the semester grade.
No early exams may be given. If a student has a legitimate reason for being absent during exams, makeups will be given after that specific exam has been given during its scheduled time.
Exemption Policy
Final Exam Exemption Policy There are no exemptions from any course where 1/2 credit is earned or from any course that has a state end-of-course test (EOC). In courses that have state EOC tests: Algebra I & II, English I, II, & III, Biology, U.S. History, the EOC serves as the final exam grade.
Exemption status is determined by averaging the first three quarter grades and the mid-term exam. Absences of any type other than field trips count against the exam exemption policy. Students are exempt from the final exam in an eligible course if they have:
A average (90 or above) in the course and have no more than three (3) absences from the course. B average (80 - 89) in the course and have no more than two (2) absences from the course. C average (70 -79) and have one (1) absence from the course.
Pursuant with BCS Policy 4.700 The EOC score shall count fifteen (15) percent of the student's grade in the semester in which the test was administered.
The state EOC score shall count fifteen (15) percent of the student's grade in the second semester: 1st quarter = 42.5%, 2nd quarter = 42.5%, EOC = 15%. If state EOC test results are late reporting, see the policy below.
Weighted Grade Percentages Final exam = 15% of the second semester grade. First quarter grade = 42.5%. Second quarter grade = 42.5%.
Juniors and seniors who score a 21 or above on their ACT test are also exempt from final exams.
EOC/FINAL EXAM POLICY IF STATE EOC TESTS REPORT LATE: If the state is late reporting EOC test results prior to the scheduled final exams, online TN Ready End-Of-Course test results will not be utilized for student final exam grades in the tested EOC courses (Algebra I and II; English I, II, and III; Biology; U.S. History). For these EOC impacted classes, a final exam in lieu of the missing EOC grade will not be required. The quarter three (50%) and quarter four (50%) grades will be averaged for the final semester two grade. However, students may choose to take a teacher-produced final exam during the established final exam schedule in an effort to raise their final grade. If this option is chosen, semester grades will be calculated: quarter three (42.5%), quarter four (42.5%), and final exam (15%).
Attendance will be documented daily. Any make-up exams will be administered at the discretion of the teacher. Students may checkout at the conclusion of their last exam period of the day with written parental permission as outlined below:
Grading Policy
The issuance of grades serves to promote continuous evaluation of student performance, to inform the student and parents of student progress, and to provide a basis for bringing about needed improvement in student performance.
The basic grading system for subject-area grades is expressed by a numerical value. The numerical values are equivalent to the following letter grades:
· A...............................90-100
· B...............................80-89
· C...............................70-79
· D...............................60-69
· F...............................Below 60
Half (1/2) course credit may be earned if a semester average is 60 or above. Full course credit may be earned if the average of two semesters of a course is 60 or above.
Grades given at the end of each nine-week (quarter) period will be determined from daily work, oral and written assignments, and tests. The teacher will weigh the value of grades given for various assignments within the nine-week period in computing the grade.
Semester grades will be determined by an average of grades for each of the nine-week periods and the semester exam. Semester and final exams count 15% of the semester grade and final grade. The final grade will be determined by averaging the two semester grades.
When a student has failed to complete required work or meet other class obligations, his/her grade will be recorded as incomplete (I). If the incomplete is not removed within one grading period, a grade will be issued using zeroes for missing tasks. It is the responsibility of the student to see that all incomplete grades are removed.
Conduct grades are based on behavior and are not deducted from academic grades.
Graduation Requirements and Grade Placement
Core Curriculum Units
English Language Arts..........................……4
Social Studies**........................................…3
Personal Finance…………………..….......0.5
Foreign Language………………………….2
Fine Art…………………………………….1
Elective Focus……………………...………3
Additional Credit Requirements
For students in the 2025 graduating class, an additional two elective credits are required for a Bedford County Schools diploma. For students in the 2026 graduating class, an additional four elective credits are required. Students graduating in 2027 and beyond are required to have an additional six elective credits for a BCS diploma.
Homework is important and students are expected to complete homework and classwork to the best of their ability. Students who consistently refuse to complete homework and classwork assignments will be dealt with as disciplinary cases.
Academic Honors
The Honor Roll is a special recognition for academic achievement. It is published by this school at the end of each grading period to recognize those students who have maintained high academic averages during that period. Students who maintain the Honor Roll during the year receive special recognition at Honors Day ceremonies.
Requirements for the Honor Roll are as follows: Students must be enrolled full time at the home base school to be eligible for ranking among the top high school seniors. Transfer student grades shall be incorporated into the local high school grading scale as determined by the school principal. All grades earned in grades 9, 10, 11 and the first semester of grade 12 will be counted toward the grade point average and the rank in class.
At the end of each grading period, students who have maintained high academic averages are recognized as:
Principal’s List – Grades must be all A’s.
Honor Roll – Grades must be all A’s and/or B’s.
Students who meet these standards, and who do not request otherwise, will have their names submitted to the principal for release to the news media.
Prior to a school department or club presenting honors or awards, or conducting contests, the principal shall approve such honor, award, or contest. Following approval, the principal shall keep on file the name of the honor, award, or contest; the basis for selection of the award or honor; the method of participation; and the reason for the contest.
To become valedictorian or salutatorian, a student must be enrolled in the high school at least four (4) of the seven (7) semesters preceding the final semester. The final semester will not be used in determining class standing.
To be recognized as a Top Ten student, a student must be enrolled in the high school at least four (4) of the seven (7) semesters preceding the final semester. Students must complete a minimum of twelve (12) honors courses during these seven (7) semesters. The final semester will not be used in determining class standing. Top Ten student rank is determined by the calculated numerical average to the thousandths place for each credit bearing class of the first seven (7) semesters of high school and any 8th grade credit bearing classes if credit is earned.
Report Cards
Report cards are issued following the completion of each nine-week grading period. It is the responsibility of the student to see that the parent or guardian receives the report card. Additionally, grades may be reviewed anytime utilizing the Skyward database.
Study Hall
Students may register for no more than one study hall without administrative permission. Students in study hall are assigned to specific teachers throughout the building. Students are expected to bring materials to study during their study hall time and are not allowed to leave the room or interrupt the teacher of that class.
Textbooks/laptop computers/other equipment may be issued to students for use during the school year. Consumable workbooks and other supplies are paid for by the student. Issued items are to be kept clean and handled carefully. Student will be required to pay for lost, stolen, or damaged school property.
The following reimbursement schedule shall be used as a guide for collecting fines for lost or damaged books/equipment. Specific replacement costs shall be determined by the administration.
Age of Item Amount Due
1-6 years 100% of replacement cost
7 or more years 50% of replacement cost
Upon presentation of a lost item in good condition, a refund will be given.
Board Policy - Zero Tolerance Offenses
Bedford County Board of Education Policy 6.300 addresses disciplinary actions and consequences. Based on the discipline identified actions can include infractions identified as Zero Tolerance offenses. These offenses include assault on school personnel, aggravated assault, possession/use/transfer/sale of unauthorized substances, bringing to school or being in unauthorized possession of a firearm on school property, and threatening mass violence on school property or at a school related activity pursuant to TCA 49-6-3401. Zero Tolerance offenses will result in expulsion from school for one calendar year. Suspensions, remandments or expulsions that are greater than 10 days can be appeal to a Student Disciplinary Hearing Authority per BCS Board Policy 6.317.
It is a zero-tolerance offense to “Threatens mass violence on school property or at a school related activity” (TCA 49-6-3401, 39-16-517).
The behavior expected from students at Community High School is a combination of courtesy and safety considerations. Naturally, it is not practical to list all codes of conduct. Students who conduct themselves in a courteous manner and put others before themselves usually have a good record of behavior. Some other information concerning student conduct includes:
Fighting is strictly forbidden in the school, on campus, or at school sponsored events. Breaking this rule will result in severe consequences that may include suspension, expulsion, and/or referral to law enforcement authorities. Students should refer problems with other students to a staff member.
Disrespect and Defiance of School Staff or Procedure
Students are expected to comply with instructions of staff members at all times. The safety and educational well-being of students is the responsibility of this school. This can only be accomplished with the full cooperation of our students. Disrespectful and defiant conduct will not be tolerated.
Use of Profanity, Vulgarity or Gestures
Our students are expected to conduct themselves as ladies and gentlemen at all times. The use of profanity is never acceptable by any student, staff member, parent, or visitor at Community High School. Vehicles shall not display words or images that are profane, inciteful, or otherwise unsuitable in the school environment.
Public Displays of Affection Physical romantic/sexual expression is not permitted at school or school events. Students should keep their hands to themselves. Students who display affection publicly are subject to discipline by the administration.
Students should ideally address restroom needs between classes during hall changes. Communication with the supervising teacher is vital should needs arise during class time. Restrooms are not to be utilized for primping, socializing, loitering, vaping, dabbing, pranking, fighting or other non-biological purposes. Students are not to occupy a private restroom stall with anyone else for any reason. Students are not to occupy single-occupancy facilities with anyone else. Students who violate restroom policy are subject to search, sanctions, and/or limited to single use restroom facilities only.
Refusal to Prepare Assignments or Participate in Class
It is an honor and a privilege to receive an education at Community High School. Every student is expected to give their best on every assignment. Consistent refusal to do homework or classwork will not be tolerated. Parents will be notified and students who chronically refuse to complete homework or assignments will be subject to appropriate discipline.
Weapons, Ammunition, Dangerous Objects, Contraband Items
Students are not allowed to use or possess weapons, ammunition, dangerous objects, or other contraband items in school buildings on school grounds, on school buses, or at any other school sponsored function or event. Students who violate this policy, or are suspected of violating this policy, are subject to school discipline and sanctions including “no bags” or “clear backpack-only status”. Students who violate this policy are subject to suspension and/or expulsion for up to one year and criminal charges.
Sexual Harassment
Students who engage in sexual harassment on school premises on or off school premises at a school-sponsored activity will be subject to appropriate discipline, including suspension or expulsion and referral to law enforcement authorities. Sexual harassment is any activity of a sexual nature that is unwanted or unwelcome, including, but not limited to, unwanted touching, pinching, patting, verbal comments of a sexual nature, sexual name-calling, pressure to engage in sexual activity, repeated propositions, and unwanted body contact.
Racial Harassment/Discrimination/Bullying/Intimidation
Harassment or disrespect toward others due to race, culture, religious beliefs, or any other area deemed a civil right will not be tolerated. Derogatory remarks or intimidating behaviors are never acceptable. Students shall not display words or images that are profane, inciteful, or otherwise unsuitable in the school environment. Flags and other symbols shall not be utilized for intimidation. Only official U.S. flags, in compliance with U.S. Flag Code, and official Tennessee state flags, in compliance with Tennessee State Flag Code, of a size which do not inhibit safety or cause disruption may be displayed by students. The vice principal serves as the anti-bullying compliance coordinator. Violators of this policy will be dealt with severely. BCBOE 6.304
Students are prohibited from the use or possession of tobacco in any form on school property, while participating in any school-related event, and on school buses at any time. Electronic/vapes/vapor smoking devices/products are considered tobacco devices/products. Coffee grinds/dips/pouches are also considered contraband. Contraband items will be confiscated without return to students or parents. Students participating in such use or possession will be punished and referred to juvenile authorities. Guidelines of consequences, with administrative discretion, include notification to parents, 3 days ISS first offense; 2 days OSS second offense; 3 days OSS third offense. BCBOE 1.803
Students are prohibited from the use, possession, or distribution of illegal and non-prescribed drugs, paraphernalia, pseudo products such as oils, hemps, vapes, dabs, etc., or alcohol in school buildings, school grounds, school buses, or any school-related event. Students who violate this policy are subject to suspension and/or expulsion for up to one year and criminal charges. (ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY)
Contraband Foods & Drinks
Consumables that have a history of causing student/staff distress and disruption are banned from Community High School. Hot chili peppers, high caffeine energy drinks, and other consumables (this list is not exhaustive) which serve to cause illness or disruption in the educational environment are considered contraband at school. Violators are subject to administrative disciplinary action.
Gambling Gambling of any type is prohibited.
Students who have pride in themselves will also display pride in our building and facilities. At Community High School we work very hard to provide our students with the best equipment and facilities possible. Willful destruction or defacing of school property or facilities will be dealt with severely. Accidental damage should be reported to a staff member immediately so that damage is not misconstrued as vandalism.
Threatening or Intimidating Other Students or Staff Members
Students have the right to attend this school without being threatened or intimidated by other students and such conduct will not be tolerated. Words or images that are profane, inciteful, or otherwise unsuitable in the school environment shall not be utilized or displayed. Flags and other symbols shall not be utilized for intimidation. Only official U.S. flags, in compliance with U.S. Flag Code, and official Tennessee state flags, in compliance with Tennessee State Flag Code, of a size which do not inhibit safety or cause disruption may be flown/displayed/worn by students on school property. It is a zero-tolerance offense to “Threaten mass violence on school property or at a school related activity” (TCA 39-16-517).
Bus Conduct
Students shall conform to the following rules of bus behavior:
1. Enter the bus in an orderly manner and go directly to a seat and remain seated until the destination is reached.
2. Observe the same conduct as in the classroom.
3. Sit in seats assigned by the bus driver or principal.
4. Wait for a signal from the bus driver before crossing the street at a bus stop. When crossing a street is necessary, students shall always do so far enough ahead of the bus so that they are able to see the face of the bus driver and he may adequately observe them.
Bus drivers are encouraged to work with parents/guardian and students concerning minor problems when possible. However, the following procedures may be used when necessary:
1. 1st incident: warning to student and parent/guardian notified.
2. 2nd incident: 5 days suspension of bus riding privileges
3. 3rd incident: 10 days suspension of bus riding privileges
4. 4th incident: suspension of bus riding privileges remainder of year.
5. Major offenses such as but not limited to abusive or obscene language can result in automatic suspension of bus riding privileges when determined to be severe by the principal or his designee.
6. Students suspended from bus riding privileges on one bus are prohibited from riding any buses to include field trips and/or any school related activities during the suspended time.
7. Other appropriate disciplinary actions may be taken by the school administration.
Classroom Responsibilities
Basic classroom rules will be posted in each classroom. Students are expected to follow school rules and the specific verbal and written rules of each classroom teacher.
Children need healthy meals to learn. The school nutrition department strives to help your child be the best student they can be by offering nutritious meals through our breakfast and lunch programs. These programs are USDA subsidized, meet all USDA regulations for child feeding programs, and are offered to all students in Bedford County. Bedford County qualifies for the "Community Eligibility Provision" of the Federal Nutrition Program meaning that all Bedford County students will be offered a daily federally reimbursable breakfast and lunch meal at no charge to the student. Food and drink items additional to the standard school meal are at the student's expense. Breakfast is served before morning classes. Lunch is served during fifth block.
Our school counselors are available to assist students with questions regarding class scheduling, career choices, college admissions assistance, social problems, and class situations. Guidance services are confidential, and students are welcome to make an appointment to see our counselor during times with permission from their teacher. Parents may also make appointments to examine or discuss student’s records.
Library/Media Center
The library is designed to make supplementary resources available to students. Use of the library is encouraged within the rules and guidelines established by the librarian. Overdue library book fines are currently $.10 per school day.
Assemblies & Programs
Assemblies are planned periodically. Student attendance is a requirement, not an option. Optional programs, plays, productions, presentations, rallies, etc. may also be held. Special attention to etiquette and good citizenship is expected of all students in attendance. Students who are disrespectful, defiant, disruptive, or exhibit inappropriate behavior may be removed from the program without refund of admission fee and denied future attendance.
Athletic Eligibility and Participation
To be eligible to try out in high school athletics and cheerleading, a student must pass five subjects during the preceding school year. The student must adhere to all rules and regulations of the team. Team membership and other team decisions are at the discretion of the coach of that sport. Each student must have a complete physical examination each year after April 15, prior to participating as a member of any athletic team or cheerleader squad. Cost of the examination shall be borne by the parent or guardian of the student. Each student must present a “Personal Affidavit in Lieu of School Insurance” signed by a parent or guardian which assures the school that the parent/guardian has personal insurance or is willing to accept all financial responsibilities related to participation and travel. An interscholastic Athletic participation Agreement, a Consent to Perform Urinalysis for Drug Testing form, a Emergency Treatment & Parent’s Consent and TSSAA Pre-participation Evaluation form are to completed prior to participation.
The faculty, staff, and administration of Community High School believes that student athletic participation is a privilege, not a right. Student athletes must earn this privilege through dedication, desire, discipline and commitment. In order to avoid unnecessary conflicts concerning expectations and responsibilities as well as to achieve a determined course of action for the pursuit of athletic achievement and character training the following items are understood and agreed to between the student athlete, parents, and school.
Athletes will attend all scheduled practices, games, and/or matches after school hours, weekends, and during school vacations as determined necessary by the coaching staff. Bus transportation is under the jurisdiction of the school administration which will determine when bus transportation will be provided. Private transportation to and from practices, contests, and events is the responsibility/liability of the parent(s).
An athlete is constantly in the eye of the public and thereby serves as a representative of the school. It is essential for a student athlete to exhibit an appropriate personal appearance as well as to conduct themselves with integrity and by accepted codes of behavior. Therefore, legal and/or school-based disciplinary actions will affect athletic eligibility. Poor personal appearance and behavior reflect the standards of parents and school administration and will not be tolerated.
Student athletes are required to meet all academic and attendance eligibility requirements. Grades may be monitored, and tutoring made available if deemed necessary by the coaching staff and/or school administration. All high school athletes must meet the TSSAA grade requirement of earning five full credits the previous academic year or earn five half-credits in the fall semester of the current academic year for spring sport eligibility. In addition, upon enrollment at Community High School, athletes must continually progress toward graduation by passing a minimum of three classes, or by passing all classes if enrolled in less than three classes due to varying graduation requirements, each grade reporting period. Students who do not meet this standard will be placed on probation and suspended from playing one week of contests - defined by TSSAA as one game for football and two games for other sports. Grades are official as posted on the report card date listed on the school calendar. Suspensions will be served the contest(s) immediately following official grade reporting. Students must meet the minimum requirement the next grading period to remain eligible. Students who fail one half or more of their classes will become immediately ineligible without a probation period. Once ineligible, students remain ineligible to participate in any sport until the standard is met. A student may be restored to the current team in season only at the discretion of the coach and the administration. Unless approved by the principal, students must attend at least one-half of the day's academic schedule to be eligible for game/contest participation after school.
Every attempt will be made to work together harmoniously with student athletes and parents. However, it shall be understood that coaches make decisions using their best judgments based on established criteria, expertise, and experience. Student athletes will adhere to all guidelines and rules as set forth by the coaching staff with the understanding that such are made in the best interest of the individual athlete, team, and school.
Some athletic equipment and attire are the property of the school. Individual student athletes are responsible for the use and condition of school property and may be subject to replacement costs for damaged, lost, or stolen property.
Student athletes may be subject to participation and/or random drug testing as prescribed by Board of Education policy. Unless approved by the principal, students must attend at least one-half of the day's academic schedule to be eligible for game/contest participation after school.
Eligibility may be revoked at any time for failure to adhere to the above stated terms for student athletic participation.
Class Officer Elections
The following standards have been established for students who wish to run for a class office:
1. Must have and maintain a 2.0 overall average or above.
2. Students are subject to a faculty screening committee and must maintain an acceptable disciplinary record.
3. Students may appeal any decision to the administration if they feel special circumstances warrant such action. The decision of the administration is final.
Clubs are the cornerstone of extra-curricular activities at our school. All clubs must be officially recognized by the school in order to meet in the school building and enjoy the privilege of using school facilities. Official recognition requires a faculty advisor, purpose and by-laws, membership roll, and approval by the principal.
Any dance held in school facilities or on behalf of the school must be approved by the administration. A sponsor is required who will be responsible for preparations and clean-up. Dances other than prom must end by 11:00 P.M. Standards of behavior are the same as those for any other school activity.
Drug Testing
All students who participate in athletics/sports, including members of cheerleading squads associated with these teams, as well as any students voluntarily participating in academic or service clubs, student councils, bands and choral groups, or any other voluntary student activity will be subject to testing for the use and/or abuse of illegal or controlled substances. BCBOE Policy 6.3071
Our school attempts to keep fundraising to a minimum. However, fundraising is often necessary to supplement school programs and activities. Selling will be voluntary and no minimum sales will be required of any student. Classroom or club fund-raising projects must be approved by the principal. The principal will only authorize companies to make their presentations to students after careful study of quality and cost.
National Honor Society
Membership in the National Honor Society is based on scholarship, service, leadership, and character. Candidates must have a 90 cumulative high school average. Once selected, members have the responsibility to continue to demonstrate these qualities. A complete copy of the by-laws, requirements, and procedures of the National Honor Society is available from the Faculty Council.
Sporting Events
Students are encouraged to attend sporting events. Parents and students are advised that students should plan for transportation prior to coming to the games. In the event a student remains after a game for an extended period of time they may be prohibited from attending future games. Students who exhibit inappropriate behavior or poor sportsmanship may be removed from the event and barred from future attendance or required to attend only with parental supervision.
Student Council
The Community High School Student Council provides student activities, serves as a training experience for both student leaders and followers, sponsors student activities, seeks to increase interest and participation in school affairs, and helps to solve problems which may arise. The Student Council provides a voice for all students to be heard. The administration encourages students to offer suggestions and concerns to the Student Council.
Members of the Community High Student Council are expected to follow a code of conduct in school and out of school. Members who fail to conduct themselves in a manner that reflects positively upon the school may be dismissed from Student Council. Students running for Student Council must have at least an 85 cumulative average and members must maintain at least a “B’ average.
All students who arrive before 7:45 are to report directly to the cafeteria, to an academic tutoring program, or to the scheduled meeting of their school organization. Staffed campus hours are from 7:15 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
8:00-9:25 1st Block (85 minutes)
9:30-10:55 2nd Block (85 minutes)
11:00-12:00 3rd Block Homeroom & Lunch (60 minutes) 11:00-11:28 Lunch #1 - 10th & 11th Lunch, 9th & 12th Homeroom 11:32-12:00 Lunch #2 - 9th & 12th Lunch, 10th & 11th Homeroom
12:05-1:30 4th Block (85 minutes)
1:35-3:00 5th Period (85 minutes)
The Community High School mascot is a Viking/Viqueen and the school colors are purple and gold. We encourage our students to identify with these symbols as a representation of school pride and spirit! School color days are held periodically throughout the year and all students are encouraged to participate.
Alma Mater
From our city's eastern border Reared against the sky Proudly stands our alma mater As the years go by Forward ever be our watchword Conquer and prevail Hail to thee our alma mater C.H.S. all hail!
Cherished by our sons and daughters Memories sweet shall throng Round our hearts our alma mater As we sing this song And when death shall overtake us May our memories be Dear to those who us shall follow C.H.S. to thee!
Equal Opportunity
The Bedford County School System does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, religion, national origin, age, handicap, or veteran status in the provision of education opportunities or employment opportunities and benefits. The Bedford County School System does not discriminate on the basis of sex or handicap in the education programs and activities, pursuant to the requirements of Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Public Law 93-112, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Public Law 101-336, respective. This policy extends to both employment by and enrollment of the School System.
Inquiries concerning Title IX, Section 504, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 should be directed to the Supervisor of Exceptional Education, 500 Madison Street, Shelbyville, TN 37160, (615) 684-3284, ext. 217 or 215.
No Child Left Behind
Parents of students can request information regarding their child’s teacher, including (1) whether the teacher has met the State requirements for licensure and certification, (2) whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status or on a waiver, (3) the college major and any other graduate certification or degree held by the teacher and (4) whether the child is provided services by paraprofessionals, and their qualifications.
Directory Information
“Directory information” means information contained in an education record of a student which would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. It includes, but is not limited to the student’s name, address, telephone number, email address, photograph, date and place of birth, dates of attendance, grade level, enrollment status, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, degrees, honors and awards received, and the most recent educational agency or institution attended.
Students who participate in school sports, clubs, plays, and other activities may be listed on rosters which include jersey numbers, heights, weights, positions, offices, etc.
Student directory information for 11th and 12th graders shall be made available upon request to persons or groups which make students aware of occupational and educational options, including official recruiting representatives of the military forces of the State and the United States. BCBOE 6.601
Board of Education Documents
A copy of Student Code of Discipline and Behavior is available for all students. A copy can be viewed/downloaded from the school website, requested from the office, or can be reviewed in the library. Likewise, a copy of Bedford County Board of Education Policy and Procedure is available for review from the district website and in the school office.
Transfer Option for Students Victimized by Violent Crime at School
Under the Tennessee State Board of Education’s Unsafe School Choice Policy, any public school student who is the victim of a violent crime as defined under Tennessee Code Annotated 40-38-111(g), or the attempt to commit one of these offenses as defined under the Tennessee Code Annotated 39-12-101, shall be provided an opportunity to transfer to another grade-level appropriate school within the district.
Additional information regarding this option may be obtained by contacting Bedford County Board of Education’s Title 4 Director at 931-684-3284.
Media publication:
Photographs, video, and sound are a part of a school setting. Any published media will serve to educate students, promote the school or system, spotlight activities and/or reward student work. Published work may not be limited to, but will certainly include: school newspapers or newsletters, system calendars, yearbooks, and/or school and system websites. Safety will always be at the forefront of anything published. Care will be taken to exclude identifying student information in any published digital format. A parent has the right to request removal of any published media involving a child, and the media will be removed promptly.
Bedford County Board of Education Dress Code
The full Bedford County Student Dress Code 6.310 may be linked from the district website.
General Dress Summary
· The Student Dress Code will be in effect during both the school year and summer school program.
· Students’ dress and grooming will be clean and neat. Clothes and appearances must be safe and not disruptive to the educational process.
· Students will wear clothing of an appropriate size. Appropriate sizes are defined as being of a proportional size to the wearer (no more than one size smaller or larger).
· The school system will not require specific brands of clothing.
· Sleeveless shirts should have straps at least 2 inches wide.
· Chest and midriff must be covered.
· Lightweight outerwear garments and “hoodies” are permitted in the building.
· Heavy coats can be worn to school but must be stored in lockers after arrival.
· Pants, jeans, leggings, shorts, skirts, or dresses are permitted.
· Pants, jeans, leggings, shorts, skirts must be worn at the waist without “sagging”.
· Holes (4) inches from the top of the knee must have a patch under the hole.
· Shorts, dresses, skirts, and skorts should not be shorter than (4) inches from the top of the knee.
· Leggings may be worn if the shirt, shorts, skirt, pants, jeans, or skorts worn with them cover at least (4) inches from the top of the knee.
· Leisure pants, jogging pants, sweatpants, and athletic shorts are allowed. All of these must comply with the general requirements regarding to pants and shorts.
· Footwear must always be worn. Laces on shoes must be tied.
General Dress Code Prohibitions
· No see through/sheer clothing is allowed.
· Logos or manufacturers’ trademarks and accessories with writing or images of substances that are illegal for teens (i.e., drugs, alcohol, or tobacco products) or are gang-related or constitute racial or ethnic slurs may not be worn. This prohibition applies to all school activities.
Tattoos that display drugs, alcohol, or tobacco products, gang or sex-related words or images 12 must not be visible.
Chains and spiked accessories are not permissible.
· Head coverings (hats, bandanas, toboggans, etc.) are not allowed inside the school building. Violation may result in impounding of the head covering (item place in "hat jail") and/or additional sanctions.
· Hoods on “hoodies” cannot be worn on the head inside the school building.
· Sunglasses are not allowed inside the school building. Violation may result in impounding of the sunglasses.
· The wearing of jewelry in any visible piercing other than the ear and nose is prohibited during school time or school functions. Violation may result in impounding of the jewelry.
· Heavy outerwear may not be worn during the school day inside the building.
· Shirts that expose a large area under the arms or expose undergarments are not allowed.
· Halter tops and cut-off shirts are not allowed.
· Skate shoes (with wheels) and house shoes are not allowed.
· A student whose clothing or accessories violate the Student Dress Code shall be referred to the office for remediation and/or punishment.
· If school administration deems clothing to be a disruption to the school environment, the student will have the opportunity to change the clothing causing the disruption. If the student cannot or refuses to change the clothing causing the disruption, school administration will refer to the compliance section of the dress code policy. Repeated violations of the student dress code will be treated as disruptive behavior and/or defiance of school authority and may result in in-school suspension or out-of-school suspension as prescribed in the Student Code of Conduct, Disciplinary Due Process.
Handbook Revisions This handbook may be revised periodically by the Community High School administration with the current edition posted on this school website.