Athletic Support Information » Eligibility & Participation

Eligibility & Participation

To be eligible to try out in high school athletics and cheerleading, a student must pass five subjects during the preceding school year. The student must adhere to all rules and regulations of the team. Decisions on each team are at the discretion of the coach of that sport. Each student must have a complete physical examination each year after April 15, prior to participating as a member of any athletic team or cheerleader squad. Cost of the examination shall be borne by the parent or guardian of the student. Each student must present a “Personal Affidavit in Lieu of School Insurance” signed by a parent or guardian which assures the school that the parent/guardian has personal insurance or is willing to accept all financial responsibilities related to participation and travel. An interscholastic Athletic participation Agreement, a Consent to Perform Urinalysis for Drug Testing form, a Emergency Treatment & Parent’s Consent and TSSAA Pre-participation Evaluation form are to completed prior to participation.

The faculty, staff, and administration of Community High School believes that student athletic participation is a privilege, not a right. Student athletes must earn this privilege through dedication, desire, discipline and commitment. In order to avoid unnecessary conflicts concerning expectations and responsibilities as well as to achieve a determined course of action for the pursuit of athletic achievement and character training the following items are understood and agreed to between the student athlete,
parents, and school.

Athletes will attend all scheduled practices, games, and/or matches after school hours, weekends, and during school vacations as determined necessary by the coaching staff. Bus transportation is under the jurisdiction of the school administration which will determine when bus transportation will be provided. Private transportation to and from practices, contests, and events is the responsibility/liability of the parent(s).

An athlete is constantly in the eye of the public and thereby serves as a representative of the school. It is essential for a student athlete to exhibit an appropriate personal appearance as well as to conduct themselves with integrity and by accepted codes of behavior. Therefore, legal and/or school-based disciplinary actions will affect athletic eligibility. Poor personal appearance and behavior reflect the standards of parents and school administration and will not be tolerated.

Student athletes are required to meet all academic and attendance eligibility requirements. Grades may be monitored, and tutoring made available if deemed necessary by the coaching staff and/or school administration. All high school athletes must meet the TSSAA grade requirement of earning five full credits the previous academic year or earn five half-credits in the fall semester of the current academic year for spring sport eligibility. In addition, upon enrollment at Community High School, athletes must continually progress toward graduation by passing a minimum of three classes, or by passing all classes if enrolled in less than three classes due to varying graduation requirements, each grade reporting period. Students who do not meet this standard will be placed on probation and suspended from playing one week of contests - defined by TSSAA as one game for football and two games for other sports. Grades are official as posted on the report card date listed on the school calendar. Suspensions will be served the contest(s) immediately following official grade reporting. Students must meet the minimum requirement the next grading period to remain eligible. Students who fail one half or more of their classes will become immediately ineligible without a probation period. Once ineligible, students remain ineligible to participate in any sport until the standard is met. A student may be restored to the current team inseason only at the discretion of the coach and the administration. Unless approved by the principal, students must attend at least one-half of the day's academic schedule to be eligible for game/contest participation after school.

Every attempt will be made to work together harmoniously with student athletes and parents. However, it shall be understood that coaches make decisions using their best judgments based on established criteria, expertise, and experience. Student athletes will adhere to all guidelines and rules as set forth by the coaching staff with the understanding that such are made in the best interest of the individual athlete, team, and school.

Some athletic equipment and attire are the property of the school. Individual student athletes are responsible for the use and condition of school property and may be subject to replacement costs for damaged, lost, or stolen property.

Student athletes may be subject to participation and/or random drug testing as prescribed by Board of Education policy. Unless approved by the principal, students must attend at least one-half of the day's academic schedule to be eligible for game/contest participation after school.

Eligibility may be revoked at any time for failure to adhere to the above stated terms for student athletic participation.